In the shadow of anti-Semitism in the world: more Jews from abroad are interested in buying an apartment in Israel

In light of the increasing global anti-Semitism and targeted violence against Jews following the “Iron Swords” war, officials in the housing industry are already preparing for the possibility that hundreds of thousands of Jews may choose to immigrate to Israel, thereby increasing the demand for apartments. According to a report published by the government in collaboration with the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency, there has been a 1,180% surge in anti-Semitic incidents worldwide since the war began.

Beyond solo investing: Join forces with Syndicate buying

Israel has a robust real estate sector, particularly in cities like Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, where property prices can be relatively high. By forming a syndicate, investors can combine their capital and share the risks and rewards of property ownership.
Here are five advantages of engaging in syndicate buying in the Israeli property market:

Be an empowered buyer

Overseas investors would do well to get their heads around at least the most basic of the must-knows and property jargon before signing on the dotted line.Empower yourself not to get lost in translation by familiarizing yourself with the basic jargon.

Making Mashkanta work for you.

Once you have found your perfect real estate opportunity for sale, getting a mortgage in Israel can be an additional hurdle keeping you from your destiny. To ensure that this doesn’t happen, it is important to understand the ins and outs of the Israeli mortgage system, or what is called in Israel a ‘Mashkanta’. This will help you make an informed decision when making the investment of a lifetime.

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