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Co-operative living has taken on a whole new meaning in the modern context of urban renewal, pooled resources and community, with shared spaces where people can go about their daily business in a peaceful environment and enjoy the privacy of being alone yet still never feel lonely.

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Investing in the future of shared spaces! 

Co-working. Co-living. Co-being. Life is all about powerful collaborations, and right now, it is about getting on board with the latest innovation in urban-dwelling taking investors and Israel by storm, the exciting and pocket-savvy trend of co-op living.

Co-operative living has taken on a whole new meaning in the modern context of urban renewal, pooled resources and community, with shared spaces where people can go about their daily business in a peaceful environment and enjoy the privacy of being alone yet still never feel lonely. “This trend, says Julian Nathan, Managing Director of Hold Real Estate, Israel Real Estate specialists, gives savvy investors the chance to get a foot in the Israeli property market at an affordable price with the added benefit of expert property management that goes hand-in-hand with the shared living space model.”

With their unparalleled expertise and an eye for homing in on the top of the trend, Hold Real Estate has partnered with the Communit group –founded by Eitan Serber and Shay Am-Shalem, cooperative housing model experts chosen for the 100 most influential people in The Marker magazine for 2018 – to create an urban lifestyle opportunity in Haifa that boasts well-appointed modular living and vibrant, happening communal spaces. 

The concept of cooperative living challenges the conventional thinking of properties and rentals, and encourages developers and large cities to re-examine the traditional model of residential ownership,” says Am-Shalem. It is a whole new way of living that offers the perfect collaboration – integrating personal creativity with working environments, leisure time with social connecting and networking opportunities, remote work and real-time play, all in the comfort of one’s own space.

Perfectly located in central downtown Haifa, in the hub of seven university campuses and right in the heart of the high-tech industrial zone, in what is known as ‘Israel’s San Francisco’, this collaboration offers savvy investors the dream-come-true of owning a piece of Israel’s big city life with the attraction of co-op living, which is the perfect answer for students, young professionals and olim chadashim (new immigrants).

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But the best part about getting on board with this trend is the benefits that go with buying into the shared living model: An affordable investment in a growing market, the security and peace of mind that your unit comes with all-inclusive management, maintenance and a team of professionals who are taking care of your asset today and into the future.

Don’t delay. Be a part of this exciting project. 

Contact us at Hold Real Estate to find out about this unique investment opportunity.

**The contents of this article are designed to provide the reader with general information and not to serve as legal or professional advice for a particular transaction. Readers are advised to obtain advice from qualified professionals prior to entering into any transaction.

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