Is Real Estate Still The Best Investment in Israel?

You need only glance at any Israeli news site to see that the local economy is booming despite a worldwide pandemic. In the first quarter of 2021, a staggering 10 Israeli companies obtained unicorn status – bringing the total Israeli unicorns into the 60s.

Israel’s Hidden Gems – Recommended Israeli Cities For Property Investment

Demand for real estate in Israel is at an all-time high. As always, real estate in Herzliya Pituach, Jerusalem’s German Colony, or Tel Aviv’s exclusive Neve Tzedek neighborhood remains enduringly popular but what you may not know is that there are several other high-end developments across Israel that also offer great investment potential.

The rise of Jaffa Real Estate

One of the neighborhoods that will benefit the most from the connection to the light rail is Jaffa – one of the southernmost neighborhoods in Tel Aviv, bordering Bat Yam. You can purchase an apartment in a pre-sale stage in a boutique building in Jaffa. The future Tel-Aviv light-rail will have a stop 600m from the project –allowing easy access to other locations in Tel-Aviv and adjacent cities.

Strike While The Iron’s Hot! 10 Reasons 2021 is the Ideal time to Invest in Israel Real Estate

If you’ve been on the fence about investing in Israel property, now might be a good time to get off – and fast. 2021 will be the year to consider your future If you follow the Israeli real estate market, you already know that there has never been a significant dip but today, more than ever, there are sound financial reasons to make that long-considered investment in Israeli real estate (or add to your existing portfolio).

Common questions about buying property in Israel

re you looking to buy a property in Israel? We have summarized some of the most common questions we get asked by potential buyers living abroad. We realize that finding the right investment, at the right price is just the beginning of the journey, it can be a little overwhelming, especially when you live overseas- so hopefully these answers will shed some light!

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